Welcome to Members Only
Welcome, Members! We look forward to seeing you later this spring. Please enjoy this private section of the Aspen Valley website, which includes the following:
As always, our goal is to make Aspen Valley the best private club experience in Flagstaff. If there is a way for us to improve this website experience for you, please let our team know at gm@aspenvalleygolf.com. Thank you!
Hours of Operation
Administrative OfficeMonday - Thursday | 8:00am - 12:00pm
Golf Shop, Monday - Thursday |10:00am - 2:00pm
Tee Times, Closed until April 1st
Founders’ GrillContact  Adam adam@aspenvalleygolf.com for Private Parties and Meetings

Board and Comittee Communication Request Form
If you are a Board Member or on a Committee and would like to share an update with the membership, please use this 
form to fill out your information. We will include your update in the next Mountaineer newsletter. Thank you!
ClubHouse Online Mobile App 
If you haven’t already, we encourage you to download the ClubHouse Online Mobile App to view upcoming event details, see your financial statements, book tee times, and much more—all through your phone or tablet devices! You can also use the Roster to connect with other Members and receive notifications on upcoming Club events. Download the ClubHouse Online Mobile App from the app store on your device and use the same Member login you use on the Members Only website to get signed in. Call the Golf Shop with any questions!

Lightning Policy 
Aspen Valley Golf Club is equipped with a lightning detection system. It is utilized as a service to the membership and their guests, not as a protection against lightning. At all times players should rely on common sense and use their best judgment if they hear thunder or see lightning in the area. If an elevated potential for lightning is detected in the golf club, players will be notified by one blast of the warning horn/siren. It is mandatory that all players stop play immediately and return to the clubhouse. Once the threat of lightning has subsided there will be three blasts of the warning system. Once the ‘all clear’ notice has been sounded, all players may return to their place on the course and resume play. Remember, however, while the ‘all clear’ signal indicates there is not an immediate threat, it does not mean that a lightning strike is no longer possible. At no time will employees either working or off duty be allowed on the course while the warning system is activated. Failure to adhere to this policy is at the members and guests own risk, and the liability is on the member/guest for any damages to club owned property. Employees will be allowed back on the course once the all clear notification has gone off.